Robert Seirup

Enshrined : 2007
Fairfield Football Officials
For 54 years, Robert Seirup has donned the stripes for the Fairfield County Football Officials association. He first came on the board when Dwight Eisenhower was in his first term, bread sold for a nickel, and the Nash rumbled along American roads. In an illustrious career he has been a vice-president, a representative to the CFOA, member, then chairman of the Better Officiating Committee, a member of the Assigning Committee, and chaired the banquet for seven years. He's won awards from the Greater Bridgeport Old- Timers Athletic Association, is a George Sheehan Award recipient, and in 2006 was named the FCFOA's Vincent J. Reilly Distiguished Service Award winner. Over his career he has worked five state championship contests and four South West Conference Championship Games.